✔ It creates a cohesive teaching & learning culture.
✔ It gives administrators/coordinators a bird’s eye view of all curriculums, spanning the early years through high school.
✔ It eases collaboration because teachers can see via the framework how educators at a school are connected.
✔ The framework may be shared with parents and the community; it provides a concrete visual for parents to understand your school’s vision.
✔ When staff are united in a vision student learning is reinforced. Students see how each class they attend relates to their other classes; this consolidation has a great impact on student learning.
✔ Staff can come and go, especially at international schools, but the framework will remain a constant as long as the administration’s vision remains the same. Sharing the framework with new staff provides them with an immediate visual of the school’s vision, and a point of reference for how they will fit in their new roles.
✔ The framework allows for differentiated planners between the staff: Each department is viewed as a separate entity with different needs, but in the big picture everyone connects, and everyone is moving in a unified direction.
✔ A framework at a dual or multiple-language school can link streams and curriculums together.